The average house price on BLYTH CLOSE is £223,204
The most expensive house in the street is 6 BLYTH CLOSE with an estimated value of £242,496
The cheapest house in the street is 8 BLYTH CLOSE with an estimated value of £193,557
The house which was most recently sold was 7 BLYTH CLOSE, this sold on 31 Mar 2020 for £187,000
The postcode for BLYTH CLOSE is IP2 9SE
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 BLYTH CLOSE Terraced , 72 m2 £229,312 £133,000 15 Dec 2010
2 BLYTH CLOSE Terraced , 76 m2 £228,964 £172,500 18 Nov 2016
4 BLYTH CLOSE Terraced , 72 m2 £210,310 £126,995 27 Sep 2013
5 BLYTH CLOSE Terraced , 83 m2 £217,783 £168,000 30 May 2017
6 BLYTH CLOSE Terraced , 74 m2 £242,496 £43,000 28 Jun 1996
7 BLYTH CLOSE Terraced , 73 m2 £226,897 £187,000 31 Mar 2020
8 BLYTH CLOSE Terraced , 73 m2 £193,557 £125,000 6 Jun 2014
9 BLYTH CLOSE Terraced , 80 m2 £216,110 £155,000 22 Dec 2015
15 BLYTH CLOSE Terraced £224,816 £60,000 7 Jul 2000
17 BLYTH CLOSE Terraced £220,022 £132,995 12 Jan 2007
18 BLYTH CLOSE Terraced , 69 m2 £236,604 £195,000 2 Mar 2020
19 BLYTH CLOSE Terraced £231,582 £108,500 20 Feb 2004